Monday, October 3, 2016

Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer Networks and Data Communications

The language of computer networks

  •       Computer network – an interconnection of computers and computing equipment using either wires or radio waves over small or large geographic areas
  •       Local area network – networks that are small in geographic size spanning a room, floor, building, or campus
  •        Metropolitan area network – networks that serve an area of 1 to 30 miles, approximately the size of a typical city
  •       Wide area network – a large network that encompasses parts of states, multiple states, countries, and the world
  •       Personal area network – a network of a few meters, between wireless devices such as PDAs, laptops, and similar devices
  •       Campus area network – a network that spans multiple buildings on a business or school campus
  •        Network cloud – a network (local or remote) that contains software, applications, and/or data
  •       Data communications – the transfer of digital or analog data using digital or analog signals
  •       Telecommunications – the study of telephones and the systems that transmit telephone signals (becoming simply data communications)
  •       Voice network – a network that transmits only telephone signals (essentially xtinct)
  •       Data network – a network that transmits voice and computer data (replacing voice networks)
  •       Network management – the design, installation, and support of a network, including its hardware and software

The Big Picture of Networks

Networks are composed of many devices including:
  •       Workstations (computers, tablets, wireless phones, etc)
  •        Servers: the computers that store network software and shared or private user files
  •        Network switches: the collection points for the wires that interconnect the workstations
  •        Routers (LAN to WAN and WAN to WAN): the connecting devices between local area networks and wide area networks such as the Internet
  •        Network nodes: the computing devices that allow workstations to connect to the network and that make the decisions about where to route a piece of data
  •        Subnetwork: the nodes and transmission lines, collected into a cohesive unit

Common Examples of Communications Networks

1.     The desktop computer and the internet
o   At work or at school – connection is typically some form of Ethernet
o   At home, for some, a dial-up modem is used to connect user’s microcomputer to an Internet service provider
o   Technologies such as DSL and cable modems are replacing dial-up modems

2.     A laptop computer and a wireless connection
o   Connection is typically some form of wireless Ethernet
o   Laptop wirelessly communicates with a wireless router or wireless access point
o   Wireless router is typically connected to a wired-network

3.     Cell phone networks
o   One of the most explosive area of growth in recent years
o   Large number of cell phone towers are tied to some form of networks, allowing us to send text messages or call around the world
o   When a user talks into their cell phone or send text message, the data is transmitted across the network to a telephone company building, the telephone company then transfer the cell phone’s date over the public network or through a connection onto the internet.

4.     Other common network system
o   Industrial sensor-based systems
            - Not all local area networks deal with microcomputer workstations
            - Often found in industrial and laboratory environments
- Assembly lines and robotic controls depend heavily on sensor-based local area networks

o   Mainframe systems
            - Predominant form in the 1960s and 1970s
            - Still used in many types of businesses for data entry and data retrieval
- Few dumb terminals left today – most are microcomputers with terminal emulation card, a web browser and web interface, Telnet software, or a thin client

o   Satellite and microwave networks
- Typically long distance wireless connections
- Many types of applications including long distance telephone, television, radio, long-haul data transfers, and wireless data services

Network Architectures

o   A network architecture or communications model, places the appropriate layers and pieces.
o   Each layer in the model defines what services either the hardware or software provides
o   There are two network architectures or models: TCP/IP protocol suite and OSI model
1.     The TCP/IP protocol suite

a.     Application layer
                                                                 i.     Where the application using the network resides
                                                               ii.     Common network applications include web browsing, e-mail, file transfers, and remote logins
b.     Transport layer: Performs a series of miscellaneous functions (at the end-points of the connection) necessary for presenting the data package properly to the sender or receiver
c.     Network (Internet or internetwork or IP) layer: Responsible for creating, maintaining and ending network connections
                                                                 i.     Transfers data packet from node to node (e.g. router to router) within network
d.     Network access (data link) layer: Responsible for taking the data and transforming it into a frame with header, control and address information, and error detection code, then transmitting it between the workstation and the network
e.     Physical layer:
                                                                 i.     Handles the transmission of bits over a communications channel
                                                               ii.     Includes voltage levels, connectors, media choice, modulation techniques

2.     The OSI Model

a.     Application layer: Equivalent to TCP/IP’s application layer
b.     Presentation layer: Responsible for “final presentation” of data (code conversions, compression, encryption)
c.     Session layer: Responsible for establishing “sessions” between users
d.     Transport layer: Equivalent to TCP/IP’s transport layer
e.     Network layer: Equivalent to TCP/IP’s network layer
f.      Data link layer: Responsible for taking the data and transforming it into a frame with header, control and address information, and error detection code
g.     Physical layer: Handles the transmission of bits over a communications channel
                                                                 i.     Includes voltage levels, connectors, media choice, modulation techniques
3.     Logical and physical connections
a.     A logical connection is one that exists only in the software, while a physical connection is one that exists in the hardware
b.     In a network architecture, only the lowest layer contains the physical connection, while all higher layers contain logical connections

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